November 7, 2024
- 6:00pm Glen Where the Deer Is / The Ivy Leaf / The Dublin Lasses by Nuala Kennedy on Behave the Bravest (Under the Arch Records)
- 6:02pm The Striking Clock by Breabach on Astar (Breabach Records)
- 6:09pm Mince: The World’s End / There’s Time to Wait / Mince in a Basket by Deaf Shepherd on Even In The Rain (Deaf Shepherd)
- 6:16pm The Dissenter, The Awakening Reel by Barry Kerr on Fuascail (Barry Kerr)
- 6:23pm Ten Minutes Too Late by Máirtín de Cógáin on The False Start (Máirtín de Cógáin)
- 6:25pm Les Dames Du Si Bémol / Il Est Plus Temps (Bourrées) by The Gaulway Ramblers on The Gaulway Ramblers (Traditional Irish & French Music) (The Gaulway Ramblers)
- 6:30pm Glen Where the Deer Is / The Ivy Leaf / The Dublin Lasses by Nuala Kennedy on Behave the Bravest (Under the Arch Records)
- 6:31pm Pressed for time by Flook on The Rough Guide to Irish Music: Second Edition (World Music Network)
- 6:35pm The Autumn Gathering by Xavier Boderiou on Gwrizienn
- 6:40pm Danse des fleurs / Y'était temps / The keel row by Sophie & Fiachra on Portraits (Distribution Plages)
- 6:44pm The New Dancing Season by Palm Bay Frost on Palm Bay Frost (MusicHub)
- 6:48pm Dinny Delaney's/Set The Clock (Reels) by Billy McComiskey on Makin' The Rounds (Green Linnet)
- 6:51pm Prosto tantsy by Vusso on Prosto tantsy (Atlantic Records Russia)
- 6:52pm Blue Nagagi by HiJinks on Slowpoke (HiJinks)
- 6:54pm Pressed for Time / Bonnie Mulligan by Burning Bridget Cleary on Pressed for Time (Burning Bridget Cleary)
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