June 30, 2022
- 9:03pm The Black Horse Troop (arr. for guitar quartet) by Andrew York on KROUSE, I.: Labyrinth on a theme of Led Zeppelin / EAGAN, M.: Red, White, Black 'n' Blue / YORK, A.: Quiccan (Los Angeles Guitar Q (Delos International)
- 9:17pm arr. for guitar) by Scott Joplin on Joplin, S.: Scott Joplin On Guitar (Centaur Records, Inc.)
- 9:25pm Great Collision March (arr. for guitar) by Giovanni De Chiaro on Joplin, S.: Scott Joplin On Guitar, Vol. 3 (Centaur Records, Inc.)
- 9:53pm Barton's Blues IV. As If from a Distance/Return by Kim Perlak on Common Ground: New American Music for Guitar (Kim Perlak)
- 9:53pm Barton's Blues: I. Rhythmic and Bluesy by Kim Perlak on Common Ground: New American Music for Guitar (Kim Perlak)
- 9:56pm IV. Hoe-Down (arr. for by William Kanengiser on BEST OF LOS ANGELES GUITAR QUARTET (THE) (Delos International)
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